MACROLUX 95 +2, +1 and +0.5 optics offer cinematographers and lens owners a creative way to get different looks and extend the performance of prime, zoom and anamorphic lenses with 95 mm front diameters.

The diopter, a secret weapon of classic cinematography for decreasing the minimum focus distance of lenses, has been reinvented for single sensor digital cameras. Often diopters are thought of as a tool for tabletop work on longer lenses, but the creative possibilities extend well beyond macro imaging into the world of the wide and the beautiful.

Each shares the same mechanical housing, which means that all three are compatible with 95 mm front diameter prime, zoom and anamorphic lenses and that all of them can be stacked and combined for new effects. The MACROLUX 95 +2 offers a greater macro effect for table top and close up work. The much requested +0.5 provides many more options for use with wide angle lenses.

The secret of the MACROLUX 95 is not just what happens in focus, but what happens out of focus, using the MACROLUX 95 on wide or mid-range focal length lenses throws the background further out of focus and accentuates beautiful elements like focus fall off and bokeh.

The modern lens design of the MACROLUX 95 creates a high performance optic with no perceptible light loss, spherical aberrations, color fringing or centering issues. The custom coatings offer it a high resolution and contrast along with a color temperature matched to the natural, neutral look of the SUMMILUX-C and SUMMICRON-C lenses, although it also pairs well with other lenses, including anamorphics.

In a recent Film and Digital Times article, cinematographer Colt Seman discussed how the MacroLux +1 diopter held up on wide angle SUMMICRON-C lenses without distortions or chromatic aberrations.

Leica Cine MacroLux +1 DiopterLeica Cine MacroLux +1 DiopterLeica Cine MacroLux +1 Diopter